Register Your Account

Please enter the following information so we can match to your donation records. If you have not received or do not know your Donor ID, please contact the Donor Relations team at or 650-736-7786. 




All fields required. Please enter LEGAL first and LEGAL last name

Please create a unique username and password, avoiding the use of your Donor ID number.


  • Must contain a special character (non alpha-numeric).
  • Must contain at least one uppercase character.
  • Must be at least 12 characters.
  • Must be at most 20 characters.
  • Must not contain your username.


  • Don't know your Donor ID? Contact the Donor Relations team at or 650-736-7786. If you have never donated with us before, please create your account without a Donor ID and one will be assigned after your first donation.

Username Requirements
  • Must be at least 4 characters.
  • Can be no more than 30 characters.

Password Requirements
  • Must contain a special character (non alpha-numeric).
  • Must contain at least one uppercase character.
  • Must be at least 12 characters.
  • Must be at most 20 characters.
  • Must not contain your username.
  • Password expires every 30 days.